Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Yang Perlu Dipersiapkan Mahasiswa Arsitektur

Sebagai seorang mahasiswa arsitektur, saya bilang kuliah di jurusan ini tidaklah gampang (dan barangkali mahasiswa dari jurusan-jurusan lain juga berkata sama soal kuliah di jurusannya masing-masing). Tapi, jangan keder duluan kalau memang mau jadi mahasiswa arsitektur. Anggap saja tantangan. Dan tantangan seberat apapun selalu bisa diatasi dengan persiapan yang baik.

Memangnya, apa yang harus dipersiapkan kalau mau jadi seorang mahasiswa arsitektur? Berikut penjelasannya yang saya tulis berdasarkan pendapat dan pengalaman pribadi:

Passion dan Kecintaan Terhadap Dunia Arsitektur
Barangkali ini klise, tapi passion seseorang terhadap sesuatu memang berpengaruh besar terhadap kesuksesannya dalam bidang tersebut. Seorang rekan sesama mahasiswa arsitektur pernah curhat melalui komentar di blog saya. Masalahnya adalah ini: merasa salah jurusan. Lantas, apa saran saya? Pastikan bahwa kamu memang cinta arsitektur. Kalau memang tidak cinta arsitektur dan merasa ngoyo kuliah di jurusan tersebut, ya buat apa dipaksakan, pindah saja jurusan lain. Istilahnya, sudah capek-capek tapi kita tidak merasa mendapat apa-apa (karena gairah kita bukan di situ).

Tapi, kalau passionkita memang di bidang tersebut, maka kesusahan yang harus kita atasi adalah pengorbanan yang sepadan untuk hal yang lebih berharga yang kita dapat diakhir nanti. Bukankah cinta memang patut diperjuangkan?

Ketekunan dan Kerja Keras
Secinta atau sepintar apapun kita menuntut ilmu dalam bidang arsitektur, saya rasa tetap saja akan gagal jika tidak dibarengi dengan ketekunan dan kerja keras. Kalau boleh sedikit curhat, kuliah saya sekarang dipastikan tidak akan selesai tepat waktu karena alasan berikut: malas.

Saya mengulang mata kuliah Perancangan Arsitektur 1 –yang bobotnya saja 6 sks dan hanya bisa diambil sekali tiap semester- sampai tiga kali bukan karena saya bodoh, tapi karena saya kelewat santai dan sering terlambat mengumpulkan tugas (atau malah tidak mengumpulkan sama sekali). Untungnya, saya sudah tobat (semoga demikian). Barangkali saya memang belum rajin-rajin amat, tapi paling tidak saya sudah berjanji pada diri sendiri untuk tidak terus-terusan menuruti kemalasan. Sekarang, perlahan-lahan IP saya mulai membaik. Jadi, kalau ada pelajaran berharga yang saya petik selama berkuliah di jurusan arsitektur adalah ini: jadi arsitek jangan malas!

Daya Bayang Ruang yang Baik
Arsitektur pada dasarnya adalah seni mengolah ruang, jadi ya wajar kalau salah satu persyaratan jadi arsitek adalah kemampuan spasial atau daya bayang ruang yang bagus. Arsitek memang menuangkan kreativitasnya pada kertas gambar, tapi setiap kali ia menggoreskan garis pada gambarnya, ia harus bisa membayangkan bagaimana jadinya ketika garis tersebut nantinya diwujudkan menjadi sesuatu yang nyata. Jadi tidak cukup hanya menggambar, tapi harus menggambar sambil membayangkan ruangnya secara tiga dimensi.

Saya pribadi suka melatih kemampuan ini dengan cara berikut: menyusun gambar. Tapi bukan menyusun gambar seperti bermain puzzle, melainkan mencocokkan dan “menyatukan” foto-foto yang berbeda dari objek yang sama. Kalau kita membuka website yang berisi kumpulan karya-karya arsitektur, biasanya kita akan disuguhi sederetan gambar serta foto objek yang diulas. Nah, yang saya lakukan adalah “memetakan” foto-foto tersebut pada gambar denah. Foto ini posisinya di sebelah mana, lalu foto yang lain posisinya dimana pada denah.

Lalu, saya akan berusaha “menyatukan” keseluruhan foto tersebut sebagai sesuatu yang utuh secara tiga dimensi. Saya membayangkan seolah-olah saya berada di objek yang tergambar dalam foto tersebut. Bagaimana rasanya berada di ruangan tertentu, lalu bagaimana rasanya ketika kita berjalan-jalan di dalamnya, berpindah dari satu ruangan ke ruangan yang lain. Dengan begitu saya tidak hanya menikmati gambar yang dua dimensi, tapi saya juga berusaha merasakan sensasi dan pengalaman ruang dari karya arsitektur tersebut.

"Menyusun" beberapa foto menjadi satu kesatuan ruang seperti bermain puzzle dalam pikiran.

Memori Visual yang Kaya
Indera penglihatan mendapat tempat yang istimewa dalam proses berarsitektur (karena itulah salah satu syarat masuk jurusan arsitektur adalah tidak boleh buta warna). Ketika kita menikmati sebuah karya arsitektur, yang pertama kali kita tangkap adalah informasi visualnya terlebih dahulu.

Proses merancang sendiri terkadang tidak lebih dari kegiatan menggali kembali memori visual yang kita miliki. Karya-karya arsitektur yang pernah kita nikmati atau amati menjadi semacam tumpukan “gambar” dalam ingatan kita. Gambar-gambar tersebut lantas kita bongkar kembali untuk dipilah-pilah mana yang cocok untuk kita jadikan inspirasi bagi karya arsitektur berikutnya yang akan kita rancang. Oleh karena itulah, penting sekali bagi seorang perancang untuk memperkaya dan memperbarui perbendaharaan visualnya.

Waktu saya masih berstatus mahasiswa baru, dosen-dosen saya kerap mengulang-ulang pesan ini: seringlah jalan-jalan, seringlah lihat-lihat. Semakin jauh kita berjalan-jalan, semakin banyak hal-hal yang bisa kita amati. Dengan begitu, sebagai seorang calon arsitek, kita bisa memiliki memori visual yang kaya.

Peralatan Gambar yang Memadai
Kalau yang ini sih sudah pasti. Namanya jurusan arsitektur, isinya ya tidak jauh dari gambar-menggambar. Otomatis, sebagai mahasiswa ya sudah sewajarnya membekali diri dengan peralatan gambar yang memadai. Memadai itu yang seperti apa? Apakah yang mahal? Tidak harus begitu. Yang penting adalah yang sesuai kebutuhan dan kemampuan.

Memang, ada ungkapan ada harga ada rupa. Semakin canggih alat gambar sewajarnya semakin mahal pula harganya. Begitu juga soal kualitas. Tapi, buat apa beli alat gambar yang canggih dan mahal kalau hasil gambarnya masih acakadut? Alat gambar memang penting, tapi yang lebih penting lagi adalah keterampilan kita dalam menggunakannya. Kalau memang yang pakai jago, alat gambar yang paling dasar sekalipun tetap bisa menghasilkan gambar yang tidak kalah memukau.

Demikianlah kurang lebih hal-hal yang perlu dipersiapkan oleh seorang calon mahasiswa arsitektur. Sekali lagi, semua ini saya tulis berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi saya. Jadi, kalau ada yang salah atau kurang berkenan ya mohon maaf.

Nah, gimana sekarang? Sudah siap jadi mahasiswa arsitektur?

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Architecture Quotes #1

Frank Gehry - "Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness."

Frank Lloyd Wright - "Every great architect is -necessarily- a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age."

Rem Koolhaas - "Architecture is a hazardous mixture of omnipotence and impotence."

Tadao Ando - "I believe that the way people live can be directed a little by architecture."

Zaha Hadid - "I like architecture to have some raw, vital, earthy quality."

Senin, 30 September 2013

Japan Modern: New Ideas for Contemporary Living

Japan Modern: New Ideas for Contemporary Living

Format: pdf 
Language: English 
ISBN10: 079460398X 
Pages: 224 
ISBN13: 9780794603984

Japan has always intrigued the world with its deceptively simple blending of architecture, landscape and design. Zen temples, the famous tea ceremony, formal gardens, the use of wood, paper and other materials in the form of screens and floors all have evolved over the years to create a varied, yet indisputably unique style. 

Of the 40 homes profiled in this book, each home represents in its own way the changing face of Japanese interior design and architecture.


100 Restaurant Design Principles (English and Chinese Edition) By: Arthur Gao

100 Restaurant Design Principles (English and Chinese Edition) By: Arthur Gao

Restaurant design aims to create an elegant dining environment for customers, and to satisfy customers' physiological and psychological needs at one time. The principles proposed in this book summarize design rules, which should be followed during the interior space design of restaurants. This book includes 100 most characteristic restaurant design cases from many countries.

Format: PDF 
Language: English 
ISBN10: 7538176055 
Pages: 416 
ISBN13: 9787538176056


Green Architecture / Chen Liu

Green Architecture / Chen Liu

Format: PDF 
Language: English 
ISBN10: 9881973910 
Pages: 272 
 ISBN13: 9789881973917

Recognition of the significant contribution of green building has led to great changes across the construction industry. Architects, designers, building professionals can measure the impact on the performance of buildings that it brings. In the transformation towards greater sustainability this book contributes by stressing the importance of energy efficiency in the commercial and residential building stock. It also illustrates the great financial and environmental benefits of green architecture. Under the headings: Building Strategy, Building Materials, Building Structure - and featuring Granville New Homes and BDP Studio in Manchester - numerous built examples of good practice by leading architects are presented complete with architect, location, site/project description, an account of materials used, plans and fine photography.

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Victorian Houses and their Details / Book by Helen Long

Victorian Houses and their Details / Book by Helen Long

Format: pdf 
Language: English 
ISBN10: 0750648481 
Pages: 144 
ISBN13: 9780750648486

'Victorian Houses' presents the architectural detailing of the time in the context of the era - providing a comprehensive understanding of its architecture and design. Pattern books played a vital role in the dissemination of taste between architect, builder and client in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. By focusing on the contribution of the pattern book to the architecture of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, the various trends of the time are documented.

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Encyclopedia of 20th Century Architecture: Volume 1, A-F By: Stephen Sennott

Encyclopedia of 20th Century Architecture: Volume 1, A-F By: Stephen Sennott

Format: pdf 
Language: English 
ISBN10: 1579584330 
Pages: 479
ISBN13: 9781579584337

In its broad coverage of architecture produced between 1900 and 2000, the Encyclopedia of 20th -century A rchitecture provides a three-volume, English-language reference work for scholars, professionals, students, and the general public seeking a basic understanding of interdependent topics that define the production of architecture in the developed cities, countries, and regions of the world. Seeking the breadth and diversity of any encyclopedic endeavor, the project extends its coverage beyond the conventional study of prominent architects and their buildings to address important related facets of 20th-century architectural production that motivate architects and their clients and give form and meaning to their buildings.


Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press

Ryan Duell, Tobias Hathorn and Tessa Reist Hathorn, "Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press" 
English | ISBN: 1118575083 | 2013 | 416 pages | EPUB, PDF | 36 + 42 MB

Quickly learn essential Revit Architecture tools and techniques Autodesk Revit Architecture is the powerful, sophisticated building information modeling (BIM) software that has transformed the architectural design industry. This Autodesk Official Press guide is the perfect introduction to the powerful software for architects, designers, and students. Three Revit experts provide concise explanations, real–world examples, and plenty of hands–on exercises and tutorials. You′ll soon master the basics and then find yourself using the software confidently, productively, and effectively. Beginners will get comfortable with Revit′s core features and functions. Current users will have a valuable reference to refresh and hone their skills. And everyone can use this practical book to help prepare for the Revit Architecture certification exams. Gets readers up and running on Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014, Autodesk′s industry–leading building information modeling software Explains core Revit tools, features, functionality, real–world workflows, and BIM concepts Covers schematic design, modeling, families, views, creating drawing sets, and more Features best practices, rendering and visualization, worksharing, documentation, and annotation Provides downloadable starting and ending files, so readers can compare their work to that of the pro′s Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Essentials is your perfect introduction toto the powerful industry–leading BIM software.


Home & Decor Malaysia Magazine July 2013

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Green Building: Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture Book By: Michael Bauer

Green Building: Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture Book By: Michael Bauer

Publisher: Spri..nger 2009 | 210 Pages | ISBN: 3642006345 | PDF | 23 MB
An important consideration for energy-efficient buildings is their primary energy requirements over the entire life cycle. How to determine this? What integrative factors influence the performance of a healthy and sustainable building? This, while it may be important for clients and architects to know, is frequently not very transparent.
This book has been written to assist with clarifying target criteria and expanding horizons when it comes to ecological buildings. It is meant as a handbook and source of reference for clients, architects, planners and building operators, to provide them with pertinent information about their design, construction and operation: how to do this in the most energy-efficient and economical manner?
Also, there is feedback and documentation about prominent buildings like the Hamburg Dockland or the Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg in Stuttgart. They provide excellent architectural examples for detailed construction and design solutions. Further, there are insightful interviews with architects and clients about many important buildings, which help turn this book into an integrated source of reference for sustainable architecture.
A Guideline for Planning, Construction and Operation of sustainable Buildings
A source of reference for clients, architects, planners and building operators
Innovative architectural examples with sustainable concepts and design

keep visiting our site to download Engineering free pdf books by rapidshare mediafire and to get Green Building: Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture fro megaupload or torrent.


AutoCAD 2013 For Dummies

AutoCAD 2013 For Dummies

Used by everyone from engineers and architects to interior designers and draftspeople, AutoCAD 2013 is the world's leading 2D and 3D technical drawing program. But, with so many options and features available, finding your way around AutoCAD can be a challenge, even for experienced CAD professionals. AutoCAD 2013 For Dummies is here to help. You'll learn to build a solid foundation for all your projects, use standard CAD techniques, get familiar with new tools and features, and start sharing your models and designs in no time with this easy-to-follow guide.

Book Details
Publisher: Wiley
By: Bill Fane, David Byrnes
ISBN: 978-1-118-28112-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 592
Language: English
File size: 24.7 MB
File format: PDF

Download Links:

Exhibitions and Showrooms by Jasmin Yu

Exhibitions and Showrooms by Jasmin Yu

Exhibitions and Showrooms by Jasmin Yu
2011 | ISBN: 9881974070 | English | 272 Pages | PDF | 26.30 MB
Exhibiting space is a visual feast. Thus it is definitely a challenge for designers to create such a “work” in a limited time and space. It is to be innovative as well as serving as a background to boast the products. Exhibitions and Showrooms, aimed at designers, exhibition professionals and design students, is a collection with fifty innovative design works involving different styles, from the simple and classy to high-tech and experimental designs. The book selects excellent exhibiting projects of designers from different countries and is categorised into two parts—exhibition and trade fair. These projects will be a good source of insight and inspiration for the readers.

Chinese Contemporary Architecture

Chinese Contemporary Architecture

Chinese Contemporary Architecture by Kai Cui
2013 | ISBN: 1908758031 | English | 354 Pages | PDF | 26.40 MB

Sixteen outstanding contemporary Chinese architects and teams from a state-owned large-scale design firm and privately owned design firms and individual studios, are presented in this book. Contemporary Chinese architectural languages and form, which connect history and today, with a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures and elements, are presented. It records the developing road of contemporary architecture in China with continuous effort by Chinese architects.


Detail Magazine (German) July/August 2013

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Modern Steel Construction - August 2013

Modern Steel Construction - August 2013

True PDF | 70 pages | English | 43.4 MB

Modern Steel Construction is the official publication of the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. MSC brings its readership in-depth information on the newest and most advanced uses of structural steel in buildings and bridges by focusing on innovative and cost-effective steel designs and the products that help bring them to life. MSC is directed exclusively to professionals in the construction industry who make and influence purchasing decisions—whether they are engineers, architects, building owners, contractors, fabricators, retailers or erectors. MSC is the only magazine in the United States devoted exclusively to the design and construction of steel-framed structures. 


The Garden as Architecture: Form and Spirit in the Gardens of Japan, China and Korea

The Garden as Architecture: Form and Spirit in the Gardens of Japan, China and Korea

The Garden As Architecture: Form and Spirit in the Gardens of Japan, China, and Korea 
Publisher: Kodansha International | ISBN: 477001712X | edition 1998 | File type: PDF | 204 pages | 133,4 mb
Gardens and their related architecture have always been designed in Japan, China, and Korea as a single, cohesive environment. The particular forms that these environments took over the centuries naturally reflect each country's differing aesthetic principles, but were also governed by other concernsfrom religious beliefs and social structure to simple spatial or climatic constraints. In his exploration of the history of garden design in the Far East, Toshiro Inaji offers a fascinating study of changing cultural and aesthetic values.


Topos Magazine No.83 - Plants and Design

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Interior Taiwan Magazine July 2013

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Restaurant (Space Series 2)

Restaurant (Space Series 2)

Restaurant (Space Series 2)
2010 | ISBN: 9881887399 | English | 272 pages | PDF | 31.05 MB

This issue of Space focuses on all kinds of restaurants from different parts of the world. The restaurants are a visual treat so that we enjoy a riot of colours; an exciting balance of light and dark or pools of glowing soft lights; and sleek or tactile finishes. We can just imagine the excited crowds, or intimate patrons, that these restaurants attract, and the heady aromas that waft!

After going through these designs, you will notice a common thread. Designers the world over are showing a greater concern for the environment. The modern ethic is to salvage and re-use. Discarded (and sometimes even lowly) objects such as Y sockets find a new lease of life as chandeliers. It’s not the collection of designer objects that ensures success but rather how the designer carefully brings diverse elements together.

Designers are forever asked what inspires them. The answer to that is just about everything - movies, books, painting, periods of time in history, location! What is unusual this year is that in Hong Kong/ China, at least three projects were inspired by the humble egg. 
Also in this issue, we have low-budget eateries with a very dedicated clientele – the school canteen. These are simple but challenging for requiring good space planning and multiple usage.

We have a number of award-winning restaurants but occasionally, at the other end of the scale, designers just want to have fun. How else can you explain the statue of a pig that revolves every hour in the middle of a restaurant? Patrons love it!


American Craft - 2013 Bonus Issue

American Craft - 2013 Bonus Issue

Abitare Magazine July 2013

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Architectural Review Asia Pacific Magazine Spring 2013

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Landscaping Planning, Planting, Building

Landscaping Planning, Planting, Building

English | 1991 | PDF | 336 pages | 29.9 MB

Shop from thousands of books in our Amazon store. St. Vincent DePaul is a non-profit charity that has a mission to help any person in need. The funds we receive are used exclusively to further this mission. The society of St. Vincent DePaul has been offering aid to those in need for 176 years, and was nominated for the 2008 Nobel Peace Award. The total amount of assistance provided in our area in 2007 is $659,689. We have served 64541 people in Snohomish county alone in 2009. We offer the best in customer service and back every sale with that promise! Please help support our efforts with your purchase. We have sold and shipped several hundred books and always take care of our customers. Our objective is to ship fast and satisfy every customer who visits our store. Please help us establish a reputation that assures others of our guarantee of satisfaction. If you have a title for which you have been looking, email us with the request and we will get back to you. Thank You!


Oriental Style Hotels : Collection of Hangzhou Chen Tao Interior Design Ltd.

Oriental Style Hotels : Collection of Hangzhou Chen Tao Interior Design Ltd.

nglish/Chinese | 2012 | ISBN: 7538172475 , 1619870487 | ISBN-13: 9787538172478 , 9781619870482 | 271 pages | PDF | 187,3 MB

The book presents Chinese top designers hotel works, which elaborate not only the dissimilation and assimilation between Chinese traditional culture and modern design styles but also the characteristics of neo-regionalism.


Interior Lighting (4th edition)

Interior Lighting (4th edition)

Gary Gordon - Interior Lighting (4th edition)
Publisher: Wilеy | 2003-01-28 | ISBN: 047144118X | File type: PDF | 292 pages | 5.68 mb

The inspired illumination of any given space can amplify its aesthetic impact and take it from the pedestrian to the sublime. And, for years, this excellent reference has guided architects and designers in the achievement of lighting artistry. Enhanced with more than one hundred new illustrations, Interior Lighting for Designers, 4th Edition takes readers step-by-step through the lighting design process as it covers lighting terminology, perception, general design strategies, and much more.
Revised to address recent advances in lighting technology and practice, this edition also covers new equipment as well as revised specifications for existing equipment. Color photos of various design applications beautifully illustrate project concepts. Little wonder that this work has been identified as one of the "key preparation references" for design professionals facing their Lighting Certified examination. 
The material in this edition has been arranged in the sequence which a lighting firm would follow. Reorganized to focus on the creative aspects of lighting design, equipment, components and substances used. Illustrations have been updated and raised to a consistent level and style of quality. Includes a vocabulary of lighting terms and a review of lighting resources, luminaires and controls. 


Head First Java, 2nd Edition

Head First Java, 2nd Edition

Head First Java delivers a highly interactive, multisensory learning experience that lets new programmers pick up the fundamentals of the Java language quickly. Through mind-stretching exercises, memorable analogies, humorous pictures, and casual language, Head First Java encourages readers to think like a Java programmer. This revised second edition focuses on Java 5.0, the latest version of the Java development platform.

Book Details
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
By: Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates
ISBN: 978-0-596-00920-5
Year: 2005
Pages: 720
Language: English
File size: 33.9 MB
File format: PDF


Toby A. H. Wilkinson - The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt

Toby A. H. Wilkinson - The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt

Toby A. H. Wilkinson - The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt
Published: 2011-03-15 | ISBN: 0553805533 | EPUB / MOBI / PDF | 656 pages | 76 MB / 48 MB / 33 MB

In this landmark work, one of the world’s most renowned Egyptologists tells the epic story of this great civilization, from its birth as the first nation-state to its final absorption into the Roman Empire—three thousand years of wild drama, bold spectacle, and unforgettable characters.
Award-winning scholar Toby Wilkinson captures not only the lavish pomp and artistic grandeur of this land of pyramids and pharaohs but for the first time reveals the constant propaganda and repression that were its foundations. Drawing upon forty years of archaeological research, Wilkinson takes us inside an exotic tribal society with a pre-monetary economy and decadent, divine kings who ruled with all-too-recognizable human emotions.
Here are the years of the Old Kingdom, where Pepi II, made king as an infant, was later undermined by rumors of his affair with an army general, and the Middle Kingdom, a golden age of literature and jewelry in which the benefits of the afterlife became available for all, not just royalty—a concept later underlying Christianity. Wilkinson then explores the legendary era of the New Kingdom, a lost world of breathtaking opulence founded by Ahmose, whose parents were siblings, and who married his sister and transformed worship of his family into a national cult. Other leaders include Akhenaten, the “heretic king,” who with his wife Nefertiti brought about a revolution with a bold new religion; his son Tutankhamun, whose dazzling tomb would remain hidden for three millennia; and eleven pharaohs called Ramesses, the last of whom presided over the militarism, lawlessness, and corruption that caused a crucial political and societal decline.
Riveting and revelatory, filled with new information and unique interpretations, The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt will become the standard source about this great civilization, one that lasted—so far—longer than any other.


Retailising Space: Architecture, Retail and the Territorialisation of Public Space

Retailising Space: Architecture, Retail and the Territorialisation of Public Space

2012 | 161 Pages | ISBN: 1409430987 | PDF | 3 MB

Over the past few years there has been a proliferation of new kinds of retail space. Retail space has cropped up just about everywhere in the urban landscape: in libraries, workplaces, churches and museums. In short, retail is becoming a more and more manifest part of the public domain. The traditional spaces of retail, such as city centres and outlying shopping malls, are either increasing in size or disappearing, producing new urban types and whole environments totally dedicated to retail.


Sustainable Construction, By: Sandy Halliday

Sustainable Construction, By: Sandy Halliday

2008 | ISBN: 0750663944 | 408 pages | PDF | 52.54 Mb

It has taken a very long time for sustainable development to be recognised as a justified restraint on inappropriate development and a primary driver of improving quality of life for all.
For designers, clients and project managers this means we have to create healthy buildings and places which support communities, enhance biodiversity and contribute to reversing unsustainable trends in pollution and resource consumption. It is a very positive agenda.
This groundbreaking book will help all building design, management and cost professionals to understand sustainable design and provide the technical skills needed to implement the most up-to-date concepts. Based on a hugely successful series of workshops for professionals in construction, the book covers the history of ideas, materials, measurement - both cost and benchmarking performance - environmental services, and the building design and delivery process through to post-occupancy evaluation. It covers individual buildings and the urban scale.
Sustainable Construction is a master-class in how to achieve practical, affordable, replicable, sustainable design.
It has something new and often surprising in it for everybody in the construction industry.
For the Architect and Engineer it gives chapter and verse to the basic design issues at all scales and through the whole of the plan of work
For Quantity Surveyors and cost professionals it challenges current conventions with researched case study evidence"
For clients and project managers it outlines the drivers and the justification for a sustainable approach and outlines the legislative framework; and it gives guidance on procurement and project and site management issues
For contractors and developers it contains a wealth of case study material, rooted in practical experience and economic reality.
For teachers and students it will bust myths, liberate thinking and inform design
*Best practice solutions and case studies
*Practical advice on implementation of sustainable construction techniques
*Prepared by industry experts for their peers


Five Hundred Buildings of London,

Five Hundred Buildings of London,

2011 | ISBN-10: 1579128572 | EPUB | 608 pages | 93 MB

Five hundred stunning duotone photographs showcase the finest, most majestic, and interesting examples of architecture in one of the world's most beloved cities


The Art of Japanese Architecture By: Michiko Young

The Art of Japanese Architecture By: Michiko Young

The Art of Japanese Architecture explores the simplicity, asymmetry, sensitivity to the natural environment, and use of natural materials that are the hallmarks of Japanese architecture. These elements are explored and clarified in this cultural and historical overview of the rapidly changing world of Japanese architecture.

Beginning with a discussion of prehistoric pit dwellings and concluding with a description of significant modern buildings, David and Michiko Young, authors of the 2006 American Horticultural Award-winning book, The Art of the Japanese Garden, analyze the major changes in architecture caused by the introduction of Buddhist culture, the development of feudalism, the influence of Western culture and the adaptation of the international style in contemporary buildings.



The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture

The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture

English | 2009 | ISBN: 2940373914 | 176 pages | PDF | 42,37 Mb

"The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture" provides an introduction to the key elements of this broad field. It serves as a guide to the many specialisations complimentary to landscape architecture, such as landscape management and planning, and urban design. This book explains the process of designing for sites, including historical precedent, evolving philosophies, and how a project moves from concept to design to realisation.


Landscape Construction By: David Sauter

Landscape Construction By: David Sauter

English | 2010 | ISBN: 143549718X | 622 pages | PDF | 50.13 Mb

Landscape Construction, 3rd edition, with its simple but complete instructions for a multitude of exterior construction projects, is the ideal learning and resource tool for future landscape contractors and designers. Photos and illustrations support the instructions for such activities as site preparation, grading and drainage, utilities and irrigation, retaining wall construction, paving, exterior carpentry, fencing, and such amenities as pools, ponds, and edging.

Readers will appreciate the easy-to-follow process of construction and the review of various materials, tools, and methods. A discussion of estimating and bidding for jobs will be valuable to professionals in their work and also to homeowners as they consider their own exterior projects. Landscape Construction, 3rd edition is the sole resource needed to accomplish a multitude of hardscape construction goals.


Color in Architecture Facade By: Bridget Vranckx

Color in Architecture Facade By: Bridget Vranckx

Format : Jpg | English
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Understanding Construction Drawings By: Mark W. Huth

Understanding Construction Drawings By: Mark W. Huth

A very good beginners guide to construction. The language is simple and easy to understand , has a logical progression in introducing the subject matter to a novice reader.


Houses Magazine Issue 93

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Great Glass Building

Great Glass Building

Images Publishing Dist A/C | ISBN: 1864701129 | 228 Pages | PDF | 51 Mb

In Great Glass Buildings , Peter and Jennifer Hyatt present fifty exemplary modern projects that explore a number of theories about the nature, mystique and attraction of glass in the architecture of recent years. Variously performing roles that include giftwrap, lightweight armour, transmitter and insulator, glass began its re-emergence as an architectural force during the 1990s, as a symbol of new modernism. Advances in glass-making and construction technology and the advent of structural glazing, fixing systems, glass coatings and waterproof connections have transformed the ambitious dreams of the past into reality. Including projects by Foster and Partners, Murphy Jahn, Santiago Calatrava, Shigeru Ban, Renzo Piano and many others, this book reveals the complex nature of glass in today's architecture.


Japan Houses: Ideas for 21st Century Living By: Marcia Iwatate

Japan Houses: Ideas for 21st Century Living By: Marcia Iwatate

Japan Houses: Ideas for 21st Century Living by Marcia Iwatate
2010 | ISBN: 4805311266 | English | 176 pages | PDF | 9.30 MB

Japanese residential design has evolved as a distinctive response to social, political, and climatic pressures—along with the powerful individual ideas of its architects. Japan Houses presents 26 of the country's finest contemporary houses in breathtaking photographs and with insightful text.
